2021 in 6 Minutes Video Is Both Amazing and Emotional to Watch

2021 was yet another year of that tested the world physically and emotionally.
2021 was yet another year of that tested the world physically and emotionally.
In a year that continued to test many, the world searched “how to heal” more than ever
-N- Uprising ‘The Green Reapers’ is an experimental film from Thomas Blanchard, mixing 8K insect videos and 8K carnivorous plant hatching timelapses
So bad, they’re good
Steve Buscemi going as his own “how do you do fellow kids” character is epic
They either veg out or stand on forbidden surfaces
I love this as much as I love cheesecake and I love cheesecake!
Hopefully one of these puts a smile on your face
It’s cats, in bodegas, need we say more?
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