Tag: humanity

August 24, 2023 at 7:21 pm

People Share Secrets That They’ve Never Told Anyone… Until Now

People Share Secrets That They’ve Never Told Anyone... Until Now

Some really juicy ones in there.

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August 24, 2023 at 6:17 am

‘My sister and mom said we should just give them to my sister’s twin daughters.’ Dad Wonders If He’s Wrong For Not Giving Away His Late Daughter’s Unopened Birthday Gifts

'My sister and mom said we should just give them to my sister’s twin daughters.' Dad Wonders If He's Wrong For Not Giving Away His Late Daughter's Unopened Birthday Gifts

I cannot believe there are people this heartless in the world.

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August 21, 2023 at 7:11 pm

What Well Known Person Did Terrible Things But They Haven’t Been Held Accountable? Here’s What People Had to Say.

What Well Known Person Did Terrible Things But They Haven't Been Held Accountable? Here’s What People Had to Say.

Truly horrifying…

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August 21, 2023 at 11:47 am

‘We got so incredibly turned around it could have ended very badly.’ People Shared The Times They Where “Better Safe Than Sorry” Saved Them From Bad Situations

'We got so incredibly turned around it could have ended very badly.' People Shared The Times They Where "Better Safe Than Sorry" Saved Them From Bad Situations

I feel like there’s something akin to a “sixth sense” that people can tap into.

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August 21, 2023 at 4:39 am

‘Jaw broken in 7 places. Took months for the swelling to go down.’ What’s the Worst Physical Pain You’ve Ever Felt? People Shared Their Stories.

'Jaw broken in 7 places. Took months for the swelling to go down.' What’s the Worst Physical Pain You’ve Ever Felt? People Shared Their Stories.


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August 20, 2023 at 10:09 am

‘Worshippers of hustle culture and fake financial gurus.’ What Hobbies Raise Immediate Red Flags? People Shared Their Thoughts.

'Worshippers of hustle culture and fake financial gurus.' What Hobbies Raise Immediate Red Flags? People Shared Their Thoughts.

Personally, I don’t trust taxidermists.

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August 20, 2023 at 7:17 am

‘Lay awake at night remembering everything that you’ve done wrong in your entire life in 30 seconds.’ What Does Everyone Do, But They Won’t Admit?

'Lay awake at night remembering everything that you’ve done wrong in your entire life in 30 seconds.' What Does Everyone Do, But They Won’t Admit?

Okay, now I’m thinking of all the things I’ve done that I can’t take back.

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August 20, 2023 at 4:32 am

People Share The Sure Signs When People Only Think About Themselves

People Share The Sure Signs When People Only Think About Themselves

Make sure you can see the signs!

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August 19, 2023 at 9:03 pm

‘She responded with something resembling whale sounds.’ What’s Your Response When You’re Not Ready To Say “I Love You” Back?

'She responded with something resembling whale sounds.' What's Your Response When You're Not Ready To Say "I Love You" Back?

A few of these might actually work.

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August 19, 2023 at 7:19 pm

‘She sewed a sweater for my childhood teddy bear.’ What Do You Still Have That Your Ex-Person Gave You That You’ll Never Give Up?

'She sewed a sweater for my childhood teddy bear.' What Do You Still Have That Your Ex-Person Gave You That You'll Never Give Up?

Some of these seem pretty personal…

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