Tag: revenge

January 22, 2024 at 1:29 pm

Power Hungry President Sucks The Joy Out Of A Local Artist Collective, So Artists Get Revenge And Drive Him Out Of Town

Power Hungry President Sucks The Joy Out Of A Local Artist Collective, So Artists Get Revenge And Drive Him Out Of Town

That guy got what was coming to him.

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January 16, 2024 at 6:44 pm

Customer Won Their Auction But Refused To Pay, So They Got Revenge And Wasted His Time With Multiple Auctions

Customer Won Their Auction But Refused To Pay, So They Got Revenge And Wasted His Time With Multiple Auctions

Now this was a great plan!

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January 15, 2024 at 11:36 am

IT Professional Thinks His Wife Is Cheating, So He Sets Her Up And Shares The Proof With Everybody They Know

Source: Reddit/AITA/iStock

Those poor kids. I hope they’re ok.

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January 12, 2024 at 7:48 pm

HR Tries To Get Essential Employee To Pay The Company To Quit, So He Stays Around And Watches The Whole Place Burn

HR Tries To Get Essential Employee To Pay The Company To Quit, So He Stays Around And Watches The Whole Place Burn

It’s no secret that things can be awkward when you put in your notice at work. They know you’re quitting, you have to stick out your contract period, but everyone is just hoping it can be over sooner rather than later. OP had a longer contract than most, when it came to quitting. I was…

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January 12, 2024 at 7:55 am

Partygoers Were Rude To A Tow Truck Driver And Blocked Their Driveway, So They Got Revenge And Hauled All Their Cars Away

Partygoers Were Rude To A Tow Truck Driver And Blocked Their Driveway, So They Got Revenge And Hauled All Their Cars Away

The tow company sure made a lot of money that day!

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January 12, 2024 at 5:31 am

Soldier Sucker Punched Him Over a Fender Bender. He Ended Up Getting a $80k Payday.

Soldier Sucker Punched Him Over a Fender Bender. He Ended Up Getting a $80k Payday.

His life ruined over one bad mistake…

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January 11, 2024 at 5:48 am

Neighbors Wouldn’t Stop Blasting Their Music, So Guys Fights Back By Using 5-Foot-Tall Concert Speakers In Retaliation

Neighbors Wouldn’t Stop Blasting Their Music, So Guys Fights Back By Using 5-Foot-Tall Concert Speakers In Retaliation

Good riddance to bad rubbish!

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January 10, 2024 at 3:26 pm

Boy’s Mom Said A Girl Couldn’t Win Math Competitions, So A Female Student Studied Hard And Got Winning Revenge

Boy's Mom Said A Girl Couldn't Win Math Competitions, So A Female Student Studied Hard And Got Winning Revenge

This story is for anyone who has ever been told that they couldn’t do something…and then they put in the effort and proved a lot of people wrong! Check out what this young woman had to say and how she handled this challenging situation. We think you’ll be impressed! Girls shouldn’t win math competitions, so…

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January 10, 2024 at 4:53 am

Girlfriend Learns Her Boyfriend Is Cheating On Him, So She Lures Him Into A Trap And Steals His Clothes

Girlfriend Learns Her Boyfriend Is Cheating On Him, So She Lures Him Into A Trap And Steals His Clothes

You gotta love it!

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January 10, 2024 at 12:57 am

Awful Supervisor Couldn’t Get Fired Because Of Union Rules, So Employee Planned A Years-Long Conspiracy To Get Her Fired

Awful Supervisor Couldn’t Get Fired Because Of Union Rules, So Employee Planned A Years-Long Conspiracy To Get Her Fired

I’m glad they finally got her out of there.

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