Why You Shouldn’t Have Uber or Lyft Drivers Pick You up Directly at the Airport
A good reason for sure!
A good reason for sure!
Have you ever wondered what your Uber drivers REALLY think of you? Well, if that question has been on your mind, then today is your lucky day! A woman named Emma shared a video on TikTok where she instructed viewers how they can use the Uber app to see the ratings drivers have given them.…
It’s an indisputable fact: cover letters are no fun, they take forever, and writing them can drive a person insane. And there are shortcuts out there that people can use if they choose…but there’s always the potential of getting caught… And a woman named Mandy came across a cover letter for a job she posted…
I’ve heard of people being fired for a lot of things, but being too shy? Now I’ve heard it all! But it’s all true, folks! And a guy named Sam shared a video where he reenacted an encounter with his manager about why he was being let go from his job. Take a look… @justsamisfinethanks…
“Honestly there shouldn’t be tips”
“Its state-sponsored status is also kind of a big deal.”
Please be respectful.
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