Tag: working

October 28, 2023 at 10:28 am

‘I was going to charge $200/hr with a 250 hr minimum.’ Guy Gets Fired Because Of Nepotism, But Is Asked To Come Back Because Boss’s Nephew Doesn’t Know Anything.

'I was going to charge $200/hr with a 250 hr minimum.' Guy Gets Fired Because Of Nepotism, But Is Asked To Come Back Because Boss's Nephew Doesn't Know Anything.

Are there any nepotism stories that actually end well?

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October 28, 2023 at 8:56 am

‘A lawyer has three duties.’ Lazy Employee Tries To Throw A Lawyer Under The Bus In An Email Chain, But He Gets Pro Revenge And Saves The Day

'A lawyer has three duties.' Lazy Employee Tries To Throw A Lawyer Under The Bus In An Email Chain, But He Gets Pro Revenge And Saves The Day

Play silly games, get silly prizes!

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October 28, 2023 at 6:41 am

‘Patients quickly moved with him to the new practice.’ Their Uncle Was Mistreated By His Employer Because Of His Nationality, So He Bankrupted Them

'Patients quickly moved with him to the new practice.' Their Uncle Was Mistreated By His Employer Because Of His Nationality, So He Bankrupted Them

That’s how it’s done, friends!

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October 27, 2023 at 2:39 pm

‘Me and Debbie got along like oil and water.’ A Co-Worker Got Them Fired So They Waited Years To Finally Got Sweet Revenge And Returned The Favor

'Me and Debbie got along like oil and water.' A Co-Worker Got Them Fired So They Waited Years To Finally Got Sweet Revenge And Returned The Favor

Working with a person like this is just the worst.

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October 27, 2023 at 10:39 am

‘The company ended up spending about 250k.’ Worker Gets Financial Revenge After They’re Told To Fire Everyone At The Employee Christmas Party

'The company ended up spending about 250k.' Worker Gets Financial Revenge After They're Told To Fire Everyone At The Employee Christmas Party

We’re glad that this person did the right thing!

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October 26, 2023 at 7:41 am

‘She had given away over $1500 in merchandise.’ This Worker Got Their Awful Manager Fired In Embarrassing Fashion

'She had given away over $1500 in merchandise.' This Worker Got Their Awful Manager Fired In Embarrassing Fashion

Sometimes, certain folks just need to be embarrassed.

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October 25, 2023 at 10:17 am

‘It’s not your job to fix the system that they created.’ She Gave Her Job Five Week’s Notice She Was Leaving, But They Asked For More

'It’s not your job to fix the system that they created.'  She Gave Her Job Five Week's Notice She Was Leaving, But They Asked For More

Who needs to bother giving a two-week notice before leaving a job these days? Well, according to the woman you’re about to hear from, NOBODY DOES. Her name is K and she posted a viral TikTok video explaining why she thinks two-week notices just aren’t necessary when folks are planning to leave a job. K’s…

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October 24, 2023 at 3:38 pm

‘Things went from bad to worse for my old manager.’ Their Boss Said They Should Reconsider Their Job If They Go On A Vacation, So They Maliciously Complied

'Things went from bad to worse for my old manager.' Their Boss Said They Should Reconsider Their Job If They Go On A Vacation, So They Maliciously Complied

I don’t think I’d want to work for a place like this.

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October 24, 2023 at 11:31 am

‘Screenshots went directly to my boss in an email.’ Her Office Had A Food Thief, So This Woman Got A Nanny Cam And Got Revenge

'Screenshots went directly to my boss in an email.' Her Office Had A Food Thief, So This Woman Got A Nanny Cam And Got Revenge

Let this be a warning to all food thieves.

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October 24, 2023 at 8:18 am

‘If any of you are scared to quit your job, lmk.’ A Woman Quit Her Friend’s Job For Her And Had A Hard Time Holding Back Her Laughter

'If any of you are scared to quit your job, lmk.' A Woman Quit Her Friend’s Job For Her And Had A Hard Time Holding Back Her Laughter

Well, that was pretty entertaining!

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