Bride Canceled Her Online Order And Returned The Package When It Was Delivered, But It Just Keeps Coming Back
by Michael Levanduski
Online shopping is one of the easiest and most convenient ways to get the things you need and usually, every order goes smoothly.
What would you do if you ordered something to be delivered to a pickup location but no longer needed it, but the company still wanted you to pick it up to do the return?
That is what happened to the woman in this story, and now the package is in limbo going back and forth between the pickup location and the company.
Check out the details!
Refuse to correct your mistakes? Keep delivering the same package over and over again
For a wedding I (last minute) ordered a dress to be delivered to a pick up point near the wedding venue (2,5 hrs drive from my home).
Unfortunately the package was delivered too late and I could not pick from the pick up point.
Oh, this is funny.
Usually when a package isn’t picked up in a week, it gets returned to the sender.
However the delivery service had an error in their registration causing it to be send back to the pick up point.
After this happened two times I called the delivery service and explained the problem.
They can’t be helpful?
But according to the employee the delivery service can’t do anything and I have to go to the pick up point (2.5 hours away) and return the package manually.
After explaining that is an insane thing to ask from someone (especially since its their fault) I suggested she contacted the pick up point and have them return it manually.
However, she insisted I had to do that, since they cannot contact the pick up points.
Instead I filed a complaint with the sender, got my money back and they launched an investigation.
How long will this go on?
And now almost four months later the package is still getting sent back and forth from the pick up centre and the distribution centre, costing the delivery company money as they have to pay for each delivery themselves as the package was marked as lost.
Wow, it is crazy how much wasted time and money takes place because of corporate policies sometimes.
Let’s see what the people in the comments have to say.
Very punny.
Thank goodness it wasn’t!
Exactly, so wasteful.
How annoying!
I would check the status every day to see how many times it went back and forth.
Someone has to clear it up eventually.
If you liked this post, check out this story about an employee who got revenge on a co-worker who kept grading their work suspiciously low.
Categories: STORIES
Tags: · delivery, dress, late delivery, online shopping, petty revenge, picture, reddit, returns, top, wasted time

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