November 27, 2012 at 5:07 pm

Picture of the Day: The Alpinists

Picture of the Day: The Alpinists

THE ALPINISTS Photograph by Jakub Polomski on 500px In this incredible capture by Jakub Polomski, we see a group of Alpinists making their way to the top of Aiguille du Midi (3,824m/12,605 ft), a mountain in Chamonix (French Alps) and the starting point for one of the routes to the Mont Blanc…

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November 27, 2012 at 3:21 pm

Geometric Sand Sculptures by Calvin Seibert

Geometric Sand Sculptures by Calvin Seibert

Using a variety of 3D geometric shapes such as prisms, pyramids, cylinders, spheres and cones; artist Calvin Seibert creates wonderful sand sculptures that are not quite ‘castles’ but much more than just randomly placed building blocks. On Flickr, you can find an entire 66-picture gallery of Calvin’s artwork which have all been washed away…

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November 27, 2012 at 11:49 am

Exploring the World through Google Street View

Exploring the World through Google Street View

Aaron Hobson is photographer and Google Street View explorer. Born in Rochester, NY and now living in a remote town in the Adirondack mountains, Hobson is part of a new breed of contemporary artists finding places of interest and glimpses of human life through the lens of Google Street View. In his own words:…

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November 26, 2012 at 5:51 pm

Picture of the Day: Inside the Old Metropolitan Opera House

Picture of the Day: Inside the Old Metropolitan Opera House

INSIDE THE OLD METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE – NEW YORK CITY, 1937 Photograph via The Natioanl Archives and Records Administration In this historic capture, we see a full house at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City on November 28, 1937. This is the view from the rear of the stage looking…

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November 26, 2012 at 3:10 pm

‘Terminator’ Arm is World’s Most Advanced Prosthetic

'Terminator' Arm is World's Most Advanced Prosthetic

The bebionic3 by RSLSteeper is a carbon-fiber myoelectric hand which is also made from aluminium and alloy knuckles. The bebionic3 moves by responding to muscle twitches in the upper arm. The prosthetic limb uses sensors to trigger one of 14 pre-programmed grips that mirror common human hand movements. The sensitivity is programmable, allowing the…

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November 26, 2012 at 10:49 am

Colossal Street Art by Sainer and Bezt

Colossal Street Art by Sainer and Bezt

Polish street artists Sainer and Bezt are doing some incredible artwork around Europe. Together, they are the Etam Cru and they are putting Polish street art on the map with their incredible large-scale pieces that can span buildings 10 stories high. While the gallery below highlights their street art murals, both artists also do…

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November 25, 2012 at 8:33 pm

Picture of the Day: The Power of an Orange

Picture of the Day: The Power of an Orange

THE POWER OF AN ORANGE Photograph by Caleb Charland In this awesome photograph by Caleb Charland, we see an LED located inside sliced wedges of an orange. The cool part is that the LED is powered by the orange itself. As Caleb explains: “Recently one Sunday I spent the day at the…

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November 25, 2012 at 1:55 pm

Illustrating the Daily Battles of ‘Will Power’

Illustrating the Daily Battles of 'Will Power'

Oscar Ramos is an artist and illustrator from Santiago, Chile. In a public service announcement by the Government of Chile, the print campaign below entitled, “Elige Vivir Sano” (Choose Healthy Living) encourages citizens to “Exercise their will power” and choose to live a healthy lifestyle. In the brilliant illustrations below, Oscar envisions the constant…

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November 24, 2012 at 5:10 pm

Picture of the Day: Titanic’s Engines Underwater

Picture of the Day: Titanic's Engines Underwater

TITANIC’S ENGINES UNDERWATER COPYRIGHT© 2012 RMS TITANIC, INC; Produced by Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute This is one of the many incredible images highlighted in National Geographic’s feature story entitled, “Unseen Titanic“. The story first appeared in the April edition of National Geographic magazine and is now available online. In this underwater photo…

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November 24, 2012 at 1:23 pm

Beautiful Sun-Kissed Landscape Photos Bathed in Fog

Beautiful Sun-Kissed Landscape Photos Bathed in Fog

Boguslaw Strempel is photographer currently living in Poland. In his stunning series of landscape photos, we see beautiful captures of the early morning sun bathing the foggy landscapes of Poland and the Czech Republic. On his portfolio you can find a stunning gallery of 40+ landscape pictures. The views are simply incredible! [My…

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