21-Year-Old Artist Brings History to Life Through Color (18 photos)
Brazilian artist Marina Amaral believes that color has the power to bring life back to important moments in history
One of the most lavishly funded gadget startups in Silicon Valley last year was Juicero. An Internet-connected device that transforms single-serving packets of finely chopped fruits and vegetables into liquid freshness. But is it worth $399?
How the race organizers allow crowds to pass over Beacon Street during the marathon
Mimi Choi (@mimles) is a makeup and visual artist from Vancouver, Canada best known for her incredible makeup transformations
A compilation of baby Kaden throwing his hands up every morning; perfectly synced to a variety of pop songs
NASA scientists have released new global maps of Earth at night, providing the clearest-yet views of the patterns of human settlements across our planet
The 1.7 mile (2.73 km) tunnel in downtown Seattle will house a double-decker highway
Rage Against the Machine’s “Killing in the Name” still sounds awesome, even when played on kid instruments! Performance by ‘The Wackids‘
Salavat Fidai was commissioned by HBO Asia to carve 16 Game of Thrones themed sculptures onto the tips of pencils
Well there’s two things I never thought I’d mention in the same sentence
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