This Baby Tasting Ice Cream for the First Time is All of Us

Best reaction ever
Best reaction ever
This might be the most wholesome thing on the Internet
Just learned about this today and it’s the best.
Is this the bird equivalent of a golf clap? Either way, congratulations to the happy couple!
The ‘little’ baby humpback drinks 150 gallons (568 litres) of whale milk a day
What happens when kids explore the world on their own terms? A film project by Jacob Krupnick
A compilation of baby Kaden throwing his hands up every morning; perfectly synced to a variety of pop songs
According to research it takes babies approximately two years for their eyesight to fully develop. In fact, children can’t focus on their parents’ faces, even close up, until they’re around three months old
10 week-old Emmett and 7 week-old Cullen are going to be friends for a long time
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