Tag: humor

May 29, 2024 at 10:44 am

Devoted Dog Dad Lectures The Vacuum Cleaner About Upsetting His Precious Pups

Source: TikTok/@Weishaarfam

Now I know why I swear at the oven when I’m cooking.

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March 9, 2024 at 1:24 pm

Woman Made A Horrible Joke to Her Pregnant Friend, And Now She’s Being Ostracized From The Entire Friend Group

Woman Made A Horrible Joke to Her Pregnant Friend, And Now She's Being Ostracized From The Entire Friend Group

Yikes! Bad move…

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March 2, 2024 at 7:45 pm

Bride Charged People $65 To Come To Her Wedding And People Are Howling At The Sheer Audacity

Bride Charged People $65 To Come To Her Wedding And People Are Howling At The Sheer Audacity

I would definitely take a pass on that wedding…

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December 20, 2023 at 12:59 am

‘His wife saw it and freaked.’ – He Painted A Curse Word On The Wall In A Friend’s New House And Now Everybody’s Angry

'His wife saw it and freaked.' - He Painted A Curse Word On The Wall In A Friend’s New House And Now Everybody's Angry

He had to know this was gonna happen, right?

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December 2, 2023 at 4:11 pm

Her Son’s Girlfriend Made A Crude Remark, So She Kicked Her Out Of The House. ‘I was too disturbed by the visual it put in my head.’

Source: Reddit/AITA

Well, that’s one way to make an impression…

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October 7, 2023 at 1:16 pm

‘I honestly thought it was a funny dad joke.’ Dad Is Worried He Crossed A Line Joking With His Angsty Adopted Daughter

'I honestly thought it was a funny dad joke.' Dad Is Worried He Crossed A Line Joking With His Angsty Adopted Daughter

Just because something is funny doesn’t mean you should say it.

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September 18, 2023 at 12:33 pm

‘It doesn’t actually say the word ‘pickle’ anywhere on here.’ A Man Argued That Claussen Pickles Aren’t Actually Pickles

'It doesn’t actually say the word ‘pickle’ anywhere on here.' A Man Argued That Claussen Pickles Aren't Actually Pickles

It’s an interesting theory… but I’m not sure I buy it.

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January 27, 2023 at 12:37 am

Beware of the Sad Clown Paradox and Check in on Your “Funny” Friends

Beware of the Sad Clown Paradox and Check in on Your "Funny" Friends

Everybody needs a helping hand at some point.

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