Tag: malicious compliance

October 14, 2023 at 1:26 pm

‘The wing was free, but the cup of milk after was $20.’ Wing Shop Owner Creates The Hottest Wing Possible To Give People Who Challenge Him The Ultimate Pain

'The wing was free, but the cup of milk after was $20.' Wing Shop Owner Creates The Hottest Wing Possible To Give People Who Challenge Him The Ultimate Pain

Why do people do this to themselves?!

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October 14, 2023 at 11:43 am

‘The tape was reviewed, and plain as day, the owner said I was fired.’ Store Owner Threatens To Fire An Employee And Suffers A Massive Financial Consequence

'The tape was reviewed, and plain as day, the owner said I was fired.' Store Owner Threatens To Fire An Employee And Suffers A Massive Financial Consequence

Y’all, this is a perfect example of natural consequences.

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October 14, 2023 at 9:37 am

‘I asked her if she found anything new.’ TSA Randomly Selects A Man For A Pat Down Who Had Just Had That Done. Comedy Ensues.

'I asked her if she found anything new.' TSA Randomly Selects A Man For A Pat Down Who Had Just Had That Done. Comedy Ensues.

I had no idea so many people messed with TSA.

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October 14, 2023 at 7:53 am

‘Obviously, this is EMS abuse, and I tell her so.’ A Patient Is Faking Heart Problems, So An EMT Makes Sure Everyone In Her Neighborhood Knows

'Obviously, this is EMS abuse, and I tell her so.' A Patient Is Faking Heart Problems, So An EMT Makes Sure Everyone In Her Neighborhood Knows

This guy handled the situation perfectly.

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October 14, 2023 at 6:27 am

‘I am now livid and start looking into state laws, city laws and everything in between.’ They Wanted To Give Their Dog A Great Last Day But Uncaring Neighbors’ Fire Pit Ruins It. So They Get Revenge.

'I am now livid and start looking into state laws, city laws and everything in between.' They Wanted To Give Their Dog A Great Last Day But Uncaring Neighbors' Fire Pit Ruins It. So They Get Revenge.

I can’t stand these people and I’ve never met them.

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October 14, 2023 at 5:44 am

‘He hands me two of the largest bowls they have in the restaurant.’ Restaurant Employee Wins Over Family When His Manager Is A Total Jerk To Everybody

'He hands me two of the largest bowls they have in the restaurant.' Restaurant Employee Wins Over Family When His Manager Is A Total Jerk To Everybody

I actually love this story.

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October 14, 2023 at 4:38 am

‘Harry, here is the head of our HR department. Hire this boy.’ Bagel Delivery Man Gets “Hired” By A Law Firm To Avoid Parking Attendant’s Fury

'Harry, here is the head of our HR department. Hire this boy.' Bagel Delivery Man Gets "Hired" By A Law Firm To Avoid Parking Attendant's Fury

This is a great story and I love it.

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October 14, 2023 at 3:41 am

‘The teller tells me that the bank doesn’t make change.’ Restaurant Manager Outsmarted His Local Bank Branch When They Refused To Make Change

'The teller tells me that the bank doesn't make change.' Restaurant Manager Outsmarted His Local Bank Branch When They Refused To Make Change

This story doesn’t surprise me at all.

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October 14, 2023 at 2:27 am

Medical Transport Drivers “Quit” Every Time They Take A Woman Home And The Company Hires Them Back Immediately

Medical Transport Drivers "Quit" Every Time They Take A Woman Home And The Company Hires Them Back Immediately

I’m happy these people can get away with doing the right thing.

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October 14, 2023 at 1:58 am

‘The looks of betrayal they gave him were priceless.’ Bouncer Proves You Might Want To Think Twice Before Cheaping Out On A Cover

'The looks of betrayal they gave him were priceless.' Bouncer Proves You Might Want To Think Twice Before Cheaping Out On A Cover

This one was pretty perfect.

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