Tag: relationships

July 15, 2024 at 9:47 am

His Parents Want Him To Be More Socially Active Because All He Does Is Play Video Games, So He Decided To Spend All His Time At The Internet Cafe

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@chuttersnap

I think his parents learned not to mess with him after this…

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July 14, 2024 at 8:19 am

His Wife Won’t Get Out Of His Way When He’s In A Hurry, So He Finally Lost His Cool

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@zvessels55

Move it or lose it!

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July 14, 2024 at 7:39 am

Casual Hookup Told Him She Didn’t Want A Committed Relationship, But When He Dated Another Woman She Got Mad Jealous

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/cottonbro studio

No commitment? No perks!

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July 13, 2024 at 5:13 pm

His Girlfriend Wants Him To Help Pay For Repairs On The Townhouse She Owns, But He Refused Because He Doesn’t Think It’s His Responsibility

Source: TikTok

These two might be headed for a break up…

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July 13, 2024 at 1:46 pm

Her Husband Constantly Leaves The Shower Running And Fills The House With Hot Steam, So She Says She’s Had Enough Of His Humid Ways

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@immorenovation

This sounds like psychotic behavior to me.

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July 13, 2024 at 11:18 am

Wife Had Radical Plastic Surgery On Her Face, And Now Her Husband Doesn’t Think She’s Attractive Anymore

Source: TikTok

This guy is in such a tough spot.

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July 13, 2024 at 4:25 am

His Girlfriend Has Severe PTSD And Find Sleeping Difficult, So He Had To Tell His Family They’re Not Allowed To Stay With Him.

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@silverkblack

This certainly sounds like a tough situation…

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July 13, 2024 at 2:36 am

He Took His Girlfriend Out To Eat For Her Birthday, But He Refused To Pay $5 For A Second Serving Of Chips And Salsa

Source: Reddit/Pixabay

He sounds like a classy guy and a great boyfriend! lol

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July 12, 2024 at 12:45 am

Boyfriend Wanted To Use His Living Room For Gaming During His Time Off, But His Girlfriend Wouldn’t Let Him Because She Wanted To Work There

Source: Reddit/AITA/pexels/cottonbro studio

This couple needs some therapy.

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July 10, 2024 at 10:23 pm

Husband Forgot Her Birthday, So She Ordered Herself Flowers And Made Him Think They Were From Somebody Else

Source: TikTok/@princess_per

I guess if your partner forgets your birthday, you just have to forget theirs and buy your own gifts!

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