Customer Moved Someone’s Foot When They Put It Right Next To His Face At The Movie Theater, But He Got Kicked Out When They Complained

This could have been avoided if the person had basic movie theater etiquette.
The Library of Congress has a fascinating series of vintage movie theatre “etiquette” posters from 1912. At the time, films were silent as movies with sound didn’t become prevalent until the late 1920s. Sadly, a September 2013 report by the United States Library of Congress announced that a total of 70% of American silent…
The Abandoned Starlite Music Theater Photograph by Sébastien Barré Website | Flickr | Twitter In this incredible black and white photograph by Sébastien Barré, we see the inside of the abandoned Starlite Music Theater in Latham, New York. The building shut down in 1997, ending a 40 year run that saw entertainers…
INSIDE THE OLD METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE – NEW YORK CITY, 1937 Photograph via The Natioanl Archives and Records Administration In this historic capture, we see a full house at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City on November 28, 1937. This is the view from the rear of the stage looking…
Wikipedia has an enormous list of Concert Halls around the world. Last night I went through all of them and selected 25 distinctive buildings that caught my eye. This list is not exhaustive and was not compiled for a concert hall’s cultural, historical or architectural significance. It is simply a visual tour around the…
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