Science Says Your Parents Do Actually Have A Favorite Child

We always knew this… mom!
We always knew this… mom!
Measles is no joke!
Welcome to the Shirk Report where you will find 20 funny images, 10 interesting articles and 5 entertaining videos from the last 7 days of sifting. Most images found on Reddit; articles from Digg, Kottke, WITI, Facebook, Twitter, and email; videos come from everywhere. Any suggestions? Send a note to 20 IMAGES –…
Well, well, well… how about that?
Don’t try this at home. Try it at Target! 😉
You’re far more special if you’re born during this time!
Sinks and P-traps have thus far been overlooked as potential reservoirs of these microorganisms
There actually is a connection.
“Never say these four words: Because I said so.”
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