Tag: working

October 31, 2023 at 8:44 am

‘He was just trying to bully me and be the alpha dog.’ His Boss Tried To Force Him Into Not Using The Program He Created Specifically For The Company, So He Got Him Removed From His Position.

'He was just trying to bully me and be the alpha dog.' His Boss Tried To Force Him Into Not Using The Program He Created Specifically For The Company, So He Got Him Removed From His Position.

We love this story!

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October 30, 2023 at 4:23 pm

‘In every department I visited that day, I wrote a review for Devin.’ A Micromanaging Boss Told This Worker “I Will Lead, You Will Follow” So He Got Malicious Professional Revenge

'In every department I visited that day, I wrote a review for Devin.' A Micromanaging Boss Told This Worker "I Will Lead, You Will Follow" So He Got Malicious Professional Revenge

Enough with the micromanaging!

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October 30, 2023 at 12:43 pm

‘I decide to add a special function to the code just to be safe.’ Programmer Creates A Website For A Client Who Tries To Steal It From Them Without Paying. So He Sells It To A Competitior.

'I decide to add a special function to the code just to be safe.' Programmer Creates A Website For A Client Who Tries To Steal It From Them Without Paying. So He Sells It To A Competitior.

You always gotta be nice to IT workers.

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October 30, 2023 at 10:22 am

‘I just had my manager come and beg me to help.’ Man Is Denied Promotion Because He Tries To Be The “Hero” Too Much, So He Adopts A New Catchphrase

'I just had my manager come and beg me to help.' Man Is Denied Promotion Because He Tries To Be The "Hero" Too Much, So He Adopts A New Catchphrase

Are you gonna start using this phrase?

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October 30, 2023 at 9:26 am

‘The restaurant industry is one of the most dysfunctional places.’ This Bartender Says The Dishwasher At His Restaurant Has Never Actually Been Paid

'The restaurant industry is one of the most dysfunctional places.' This Bartender Says The Dishwasher At His Restaurant Has Never Actually Been Paid

Yeah, there’s a lot of dysfunction in this industry.

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October 30, 2023 at 7:26 am

‘I didn’t know i was going into a casting call.’ She Applied At A Lush Store And The Manager Insulted Her Appearance. Commenters Say It’s A Common Thing.

'I didn't know i was going into a casting call.' She Applied At A Lush Store And The Manager Insulted Her Appearance. Commenters Say It's A Common Thing.

Well, I guess it’s safe to say that this job interview didn’t go very well… A woman named Kat posted a video on TikTok and shared what happened to her during a job interview that went off the rails at a Lush store. And it wasn’t pretty… The text overlay on the video reads, “When…

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October 30, 2023 at 5:51 am

‘They won’t schedule a busboy, a host, or a dishwasher.’ A Restaurant Worker Said Her Manager Saves Money By Only Scheduling Servers

'They won’t schedule a busboy, a host, or a dishwasher.' A Restaurant Worker Said Her Manager Saves Money By Only Scheduling Servers

Seems kinda shady to me…

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October 30, 2023 at 1:26 am

‘Twas a GREAT day.’ Hooter’s Waitress Shared How Much She Made In Tips After Working a 16-Hour Shift

'Twas a GREAT day.' Hooter’s Waitress Shared How Much She Made In Tips After Working a 16-Hour Shift

Tips for days!

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October 28, 2023 at 2:56 pm

‘If you can’t follow instructions you’re fired.’ His Boss Tried To Get Rid Of Him For Doing The Wrong Thing, So He Got Malicious Revenge

'If you can't follow instructions you're fired.' His Boss Tried To Get Rid Of Him For Doing The Wrong Thing, So He Got Malicious Revenge

Sounds like the right person ended up with the job, huh?

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October 28, 2023 at 12:47 pm

‘I’d never felt this powerful before.’ They Hired An Engineer For A Specialized Job But Refused To Pay, So He “Fixed” The Machine So Only He Could Install It

'I'd never felt this powerful before.' They Hired An Engineer For A Specialized Job But Refused To Pay, So He "Fixed" The Machine So Only He Could Install It

Don’t mess with people who know a lot more than you do.

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