Tag: baby

January 22, 2024 at 11:33 am

Boyfriend Buys Luxury Baby Items As Christmas Gifts For Girlfriend, But She Doesn’t Think They Should Count As Presents For Her

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels

This guy really stepped in it…

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January 17, 2024 at 2:36 am

Government Officials Said He Couldn’t Give His Son A Name That Wasn’t On Their Official Calendar, So His Dad Called Their Bluff

Source: Reddit/AITA/Unsplash/Heike Mintel

Would you name your kid this?

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January 15, 2024 at 5:44 pm

Mother In Law and Father In Law Ruin Gender Reveal After Not Getting A Grandson

Source: Reddit/AITA/iStock

Wishing the best of luck to this new father.

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January 11, 2024 at 1:46 am

Man Doesn’t Take Crying Baby Because He Has To Take A Phone Call, So Wife Reads Him The Riot Act

Man Doesn't Take Crying Baby Because He Has To Take A Phone Call, So Wife Reads Him The Riot Act


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December 26, 2023 at 8:47 am

Woman Has Two Kids With Her Married Best Friends. Now Their In-Laws Want To Know Who Fathered The Children.

Source: Reddit/AITA

I think this situation sound so fun and perfect.

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December 4, 2023 at 9:52 am

Manager Denied A Request For One Week Off, So Employee Filed For 12 Weeks Of Paternity Leave Instead

Manager Denied A Request For One Week Off, So Employee Filed For 12 Weeks Of Paternity Leave Instead

I’m glad things worked out for this guy.

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December 4, 2023 at 2:41 am

Woman’s In-Laws Insist On Pretending Her Baby Is A Boy, So She Ruins The Baby Shower They Threw For Her

Woman's In-Laws Insist On Pretending Her Baby Is A Boy, So She Ruins The Baby Shower They Threw For Her

Wow, I would not know where to start with this.

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December 2, 2023 at 1:17 pm

She Went To Extremes To Teach Her Husband A Lesson About Neglecting Their Baby. – ‘As soon as I leave the baby cries for hours.’

She Went To Extremes To Teach Her Husband A Lesson About Neglecting Their Baby. - 'As soon as I leave the baby cries for hours.'

Honestly, he should be in jail.

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November 24, 2023 at 3:47 am

Mother Of Triplets Is Berated By Her Husband For Taking A Moment For Herself While The Babies Were Crying. – ‘He thinks that I was being super neglectful.’

Mother Of Triplets Is Berated By Her Husband For Taking A Moment For Herself While The Babies Were Crying. - 'He thinks that I was being super neglectful.'

I have almost been driven to my breaking point by one crying baby.

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November 18, 2023 at 12:44 pm

Woman’s New Baby Ruined Her Cousin’s Very Expensive Blouse, And She Refuses To Buy Her A New One. Is She Wrong?

Woman's New Baby Ruined Her Cousin's Very Expensive Blouse, And She Refuses To Buy Her A New One. Is She Wrong?

Some people just need to get over themselves.

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