Tag: bad neighbors

June 22, 2024 at 3:29 am

Neighbor’s Kids Prevents Homeowner From Following HOA Rules, So Gets Revenge And Has THe Family Evicted.

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/PolesieToys

Yikes! I understand the guilt

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June 13, 2024 at 3:28 am

His Neighbors Painted Their Roof White And Lied About It On The Paperwork, So He Reported Them And They Had To Repaint It

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Binyamin Mellish

I bet they’ll never do that again!

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June 11, 2024 at 11:22 am

Rude Neighbor Kept Insisting That She Was Only Renting Her Home, So She Proved That She Was The Owner And Had The Police Take Her Off The Property


Some people are just trying to get their neighbors to loathe them.

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June 7, 2024 at 4:52 pm

New Homeowners Removed An Unofficial Playground On Their Property When They Moved In, But Now The Neighbors Are Outraged

New Homeowners Removed An Unofficial Playground On Their Property When They Moved In, But Now The Neighbors Are Outraged

It’s called private property for a reason!

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June 7, 2024 at 3:45 am

He Thinks His Neighbors Are Targeting Him And Is Creeped By A Note One Left, So He Wants To Go To The Cops

Source: Reddit/Pexels

If parking was a soap opera…

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June 7, 2024 at 3:11 am

Their Neighbor Wouldn’t Pick Up After Their Dogs, So They Reported Them To The HOA And They’re Furious

Source: Pexels/Ravi Kant

This really stinks.

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May 27, 2024 at 8:53 pm

Ridiculous HOA Member Tries To Strong Arm A Guy Who Was Not A Part Of The Neighborhood And Got Exactly What They Deserved

Source: Reddit/Canva

Nice try Sophie!

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May 26, 2024 at 2:51 am

After Being Forced To Form An HOA, His Dad Paused The Rules For 16 Years. But When An Entitled Woman Finally Gets Named HOA President, The Neighborhood Votes Her Out After Just Six Months.

After Being Forced To Form An HOA, His Dad Paused The Rules For 16 Years. But When An Entitled Woman Finally Gets Named HOA President, The Neighborhood Votes Her Out After Just Six Months.

Sometimes, petty revenge isn’t worth the suffering it causes.

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May 17, 2024 at 9:28 pm

Neighbors Demanded They Demolish Their Property To Fix A Sewer Issue, So After Years Of Fights They Handed Them A Bill For $75K

Source: Reddit/Canva

How about just being cool and normal?

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May 2, 2024 at 4:47 pm

Their Neighbors Won’t Stop Parking In Front Of Their Gate, So They Made Them Regret It

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

Hopefully these neighbors get it!

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