Tag: hypocrisy

September 25, 2024 at 2:20 pm

Her Mom Was Visiting And Moved All Her Furniture Twice While She Was Out, So She Moved All Of Her Mom’s Furniture To Teach Her A Lesson

Source: Pexels/cottonbro studio

Oh, Mom…

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September 11, 2024 at 5:47 am

Their Boss Wanted Them To Call Every Time An Alarm Sounded, So They Did Exactly What They Were Told. After A Night Of No Sleep, The Boss Changed The Policy.

Source: Reddit/MaliciousCompliance/Pexels/Andrea Piacquadio

If this boss wants his staff to respect him, he must start respecting them first.

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August 22, 2024 at 10:21 am

Her Parent’s Neighbors Were Always Filing Complaints Against Them, So After The Neighbor Weed Wacked Some Of Their Property, They Shamed Them With A Huge No Trespassing Sign Facing Their House

Source: Pexels/Filip Szyller

Never admit your guilt in writing, come on!

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August 19, 2024 at 12:44 am

Her Sister Loves To Gossip But She Asked That Nobody Talk About The Fact That She Lost Her Job And Had Her Car Taken Away, So She Called Out Her Hypocrisy To Teach Her A Lesson In Humility

Source: Pexels/Karolina Kaboompics

Hello actions, meet consequences. 

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June 17, 2024 at 11:15 am

His Neighbor Criticized Him For Living With His Parents, So He Pointed Out That The Neighbors Daughter Was Doing The Same Thing

Source: Shutterstock/Reddit

A perfect example of why you shouldn’t throw stones in glass houses. 

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