Tag: life hack

May 16, 2024 at 6:20 pm

Former Airline Employee Shares A Tip For The Fastest And Easiest Way To Stay Up To Date Regarding Your Next Flight

Source: TikTok/@durbinmalonster

You can check all the info about your flight, like it’s current location, baggage carousel number, and more!

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April 2, 2024 at 7:28 pm

14 Life Hacks That Seem Fake But Can Really Help You Out. – ‘Hard drive in the freezer to get it to spin up one more time.’

14 Life Hacks That Seem Fake But Can Really Help You Out. - 'Hard drive in the freezer to get it to spin up one more time.'

Alright… I feel smarter now!

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March 25, 2024 at 6:32 am

Lawyer Warns That If You Live In A Storage Unit, Don’t Admit It On Camera Because It’s Illegal. – ‘Some people call you a trespasser.’

Source: TikTok/@theluncheonlawyer

I mean… what did he expect?!

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February 13, 2024 at 6:27 am

Young Doctor Gives Quick Life Hacks Everybody Should Know In Under 10 Seconds

Source: TikTok/@onceuponadoctor

Bite-sized life hacks, the way the good internet intended.

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June 10, 2023 at 11:18 pm

Check Out This Hack to Make Apartment Windows “Not See-Through” That a Woman Shared

Check Out This Hack to Make Apartment Windows “Not See-Through” That a Woman Shared

Well… this is definitely a thing you can do…

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April 28, 2023 at 2:38 pm

A Woman Shared a Hack for Eating at Her Desk After Her Company Wouldn’t Let Her Eat at Her Desk

A Woman Shared a Hack for Eating at Her Desk After Her Company Wouldn’t Let Her Eat at Her Desk

A person’s gotta eat, ya know? But, believe it or not, some offices out there have pretty strict rules about workers not being able to eat at their desks. So what are employees supposed to do in this situation if they get hungry? One woman shared a video to TikTok where she showed off her…

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November 25, 2022 at 12:43 am

A Customer Shared a Hack About Places Where Starbucks Is Cheaper

A Customer Shared a Hack About Places Where Starbucks Is Cheaper

Oh snap!

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March 14, 2022 at 12:36 am

People Are Divided on Whether This TikTokker’s Snow Hack Is Helpful or Not

People Are Divided on Whether This TikTokker’s Snow Hack Is Helpful or Not

Everyone wants to save time and effort on those cold mornings when snow has fallen the night before because it takes time to scrape your windows and brush all the fluffy white stuff off of your car. And a TikTok user in New York City decided to try a new method for keeping their car…

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January 12, 2022 at 6:03 pm

If You Have Acne, You Should Try This Easy Band-Aid Hack

If You Have Acne, You Should Try This Easy Band-Aid Hack

No one wants to get acne. That goes double when more zits join the first one, leaving you with a full-blown outbreak of acne. We’ve all tried the soaps, the scrubs, the pills, the diet changes, but sometimes, nothing seems to help… Nothing, it turns out, except this BAND-AID hack that some TikTokers are making…

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