Tag: working

November 30, 2023 at 5:25 am

Boss Doesn’t Want To Be Bothered Unless It’s An “Emergency,” So They Got Satisfying Revenge And Left Him Stranded

Boss Doesn't Want To Be Bothered Unless It's An "Emergency," So They Got Satisfying Revenge And Left Him Stranded

You’ve probably worked for someone like this before, right?

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November 30, 2023 at 1:47 am

Construction Foreman Told Temp Agency He Only Wanted Male Workers, And Learned A Big Lesson In Equality. – ‘They were some of the best workers he had ever had.’

Construction Foreman Told Temp Agency He Only Wanted Male Workers, And Learned A Big Lesson In Equality. - 'They were some of the best workers he had ever had.'

I think this guy learned a valuable lesson…

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November 29, 2023 at 5:04 pm

Company Says “Company Cars” Are Too Expensive, So Employees Maliciously Comply And Cost Them A Whole Lot Of Money

Company Says "Company Cars" Are Too Expensive, So Employees Maliciously Comply And Cost Them A Whole Lot Of Money

I bet they regretted that policy!

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November 29, 2023 at 3:47 pm

‘Honey, that’s illegal.’ A Woman Was Called Immature After She Abruptly Quit Her Job

'Honey, that's illegal.' A Woman Was Called Immature After She Abruptly Quit Her Job

Sounds like these two did not see eye to eye.

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November 28, 2023 at 2:35 pm

Fire Me For Wanting To Go To A Concert? I’ll Sue You Into Oblivion. – ‘It was the most profitable concert I have ever been to in my life.’

Fire Me For Wanting To Go To A Concert? I'll Sue You Into Oblivion. - 'It was the most profitable concert I have ever been to in my life.'

Let this be a lesson to all the bosses out there…

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November 28, 2023 at 10:33 am

Their Dad Was Fired For A Bad Reason, Built Himself Back Up In Business, And Got Epic Revenge On The Bigwigs At His Old Company

Their Dad Was Fired For A Bad Reason, Built Himself Back Up In Business, And Got Epic Revenge On The Bigwigs At His Old Company

Sometimes, playing the long game really pays off.

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November 28, 2023 at 7:18 am

Hospital Tries To Get $8,000+ In Overpaid Wages Back From This Nurse And The Union Won’t Help. – ‘Basically I would work for free for like two months.’

Hospital Tries To Get $8,000+ In Overpaid Wages Back From This Nurse And The Union Won't Help. - 'Basically I would work for free for like two months.'

What do you think you’d do in this situation?

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November 28, 2023 at 1:26 am

‘They left me outside for 3 hrs yesterday.’ Chick-fil-A Worker Refuses To Buy A Uniform Jacket And Freezes While Working Outside

'They left me outside for 3 hrs yesterday.' Chick-fil-A Worker Refuses To Buy A Uniform Jacket And Freezes While Working Outside

Seems kinda greedy to me…

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November 27, 2023 at 8:52 pm

He Started A Union After Their CEO Voided A Verbal Agreement And Got A Massive Settlement As A Result

He Started A Union After Their CEO Voided A Verbal Agreement And Got A Massive Settlement As A Result

That’ll show ’em!

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November 27, 2023 at 6:48 pm

Workers Walked Out On The Job After They Finally Had Enough Of Their Micromanaging Boss

Workers Walked Out On The Job After They Finally Had Enough Of Their Micromanaging Boss

Walkouts sure can be effective!

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