Category: STORIES

February 16, 2024 at 9:37 pm

Greedy Half Siblings Threaten To Sue Brother For $16k Of Inheritance, But He Stands Firm And It Could Cost Them A Fortune

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge

Greed is not a financial issue, it’s a heart issue.

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February 16, 2024 at 8:22 pm

‘This is definitely my worst encounter with security.’ – Woman Was Dumpster Diving When She Got The Cops Called On Her

'This is definitely my worst encounter with security.' - Woman Was Dumpster Diving When She Got The Cops Called On Her

Maybe don’t go fishing through the trash?

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February 16, 2024 at 7:38 pm

Her Ex Didn’t Want To Pay Paltry Child Support, So She Used His Temper To Exact Revenge

Her Ex Didn't Want To Pay Paltry Child Support, So She Used His Temper To Exact Revenge

You’re taking a chance having kids with someone, for sure.

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February 16, 2024 at 5:21 pm

His Roommates Were Stealing His Powerful Medications, So He Swapped Them For Something That Would Ensure Hilarious Revenge

His Roommates Were Stealing His Powerful Medications, So He Swapped Them For Something That Would Ensure Hilarious Revenge

What’s wrong with people?

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February 16, 2024 at 4:33 pm

Her Best Friend Told Her He Loved Her In The Middle Of A 28-Hour Road Trip, But She Doesn’t Feel The Same

Her Best Friend Told Her He Loved Her In The Middle Of A 28-Hour Road Trip, But She Doesn't Feel The Same

Sounds like the road trip from HELL.

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February 16, 2024 at 3:36 pm

Insurance Company Wouldn’t Pay Out Customer’s Travel Claim, So He Created A Twitter Account That Trashed The Company And Got His Money Back

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Porapak Apichodilok

I love when being bold pays off.

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February 16, 2024 at 2:35 pm

Teacher Accused Student Of Faking An Injury, So Her Mom Fought Back And Taught The Teacher A Valuable Lesson In Humility

Teacher Accused Student Of Faking An Injury, So Her Mom Fought Back And Taught The Teacher A Valuable Lesson In Humility

I am so happy this girl’s mom stood up for her.

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February 16, 2024 at 1:36 pm

When The Lazy Night Shift Kept Leaving Work For The Day Shift, They Took Revenge By Hatching A Hilarious Scheme

When The Lazy Night Shift Kept Leaving Work For The Day Shift, They Took Revenge By Hatching A Hilarious Scheme

Good for them!

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February 16, 2024 at 10:28 am

People At The Resort Were Saving Chairs With Towels, So He Decided To Remove All The Towels And Chaos Ensues

People At The Resort Were Saving Chairs With Towels, So He Decided To Remove All The Towels And Chaos Ensues

This one felt so satisfying to me.

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February 16, 2024 at 9:42 am

Customer Bought A Piece Of Salmon From Trader Joe’s And It Still Had A Fin On It

Customer Bought A Piece Of Salmon From Trader Joe’s And It Still Had A Fin On It

Okay, I’m grossed out now.

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