Tag: bike

July 18, 2024 at 3:19 am

Cyclist Orders A Burger On His Bike At Drive-Thru, But The Cashier Tells Him He Has To Come Inside. So He Rode His Bike Into The Restaurant And Got What He Wanted.

Source: Reddit/MAL/Pexels/Mike Jones

Who knew ordering a burger could turn into a battle of wills?

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February 6, 2024 at 11:39 am

Husband Wants To Cram His Peloton Bike In Their Tiny Sunroom, But His Wife Refuses To Let Him Intrude On Her Yoga Space

Husband Wants To Cram His Peloton Bike In Their Tiny Sunroom, But His Wife Refuses To Let Him Intrude On Her Yoga Space

Uh oh…this sure doesn’t sound good. A woman shared the story below on Reddit’s “Am I the *******?” page and it sounds like she and her husband are having some serious issues when it comes to spatial arrangements in their home. Is she acting like a jerk? Check out her story and see what you…

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