Tag: car

February 27, 2024 at 12:44 pm

Former Car Dealership Employee Reveals The Info You Need When Buying A Car. – ‘There are a lot of games that are played.’

Former Car Dealership Employee Reveals The Info You Need When Buying A Car. - 'There are a lot of games that are played.'

Thank you, sir!

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February 17, 2024 at 10:31 pm

Mom Let Her Hungry Baby Cry Because They Were Stuck In Traffic, So Her Husband Accuses Her Of Being A Bad Mom

Source:Reddit/AITA/Unsplash/Zachary Kadolph

This dad needs more parenting classes…

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February 14, 2024 at 5:31 pm

Ex-Wife Plots To Kick His New Wife Out Of Shared House Once Ex-Husband Is Gone, So He Gets Revenge And Takes Her Brand New Car

Source: Reddit/ProRevenge, Pexels

If you play with fire… expect to get burned

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February 8, 2024 at 6:41 pm

Kid Was Standing Out In -11 Degree Weather Without A Coat, So She Let Him Sit In Her Car. But When His Mom Found Out She Accused Her Of Being Creepy.

Kid Was Standing Out In -11 Degree Weather Without A Coat, So She Let Him Sit In Her Car. But When His Mom Found Out She Accused Her Of Being Creepy.

My heart hurts for that poor boy.

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January 29, 2024 at 6:18 am

He’s Going To College So His Family Insists He Give Them His Car. He Refuses And Tells Them To Stop Spending Money On Alcohol.

He's Going To College So His Family Insists He Give Them His Car. He Refuses And Tells Them To Stop Spending Money On Alcohol.

It takes a lot of nerve to demand something from any person, even if you happen to be related to them. So is the teenager who wrote this story a jerk for standing up for himself and not backing down to his family? Check out what he had to say and see what you think.…

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January 23, 2024 at 9:19 pm

Rude Driver Parked Their Big Car In A Compact Spot, So They Taught Them A Rainy Lesson In Manners

Rude Driver Parked Their Big Car In A Compact Spot, So They Taught Them A Rainy Lesson In Manners

Be a polite parker, okay?

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January 8, 2024 at 2:41 am

Why You Shouldn’t Drive Over Plastic Trash Bags With Your Car. – ‘It’s wrapped around my axle, it’s under my brakes.’

Why You Shouldn’t Drive Over Plastic Trash Bags With Your Car. - 'It's wrapped around my axle, it's under my brakes.'

You’ve done it a million times… You’re driving down the street, minding your own business when a plastic grocery bag floats out of nowhere and you run it right over without a second thought. But maybe you should care… A man posted a video on TikTok and talked to viewers about why they should do…

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January 2, 2024 at 5:43 am

Dad Refused To Buy A Car For His Youngest Kid Because He’s Already Paid For His College. – ‘My other kids don’t know why he ended up so entitled.’

Dad Refused To Buy A Car For His Youngest Kid Because He's Already Paid For His College. - 'My other kids don’t know why he ended up so entitled.'

I hope this family is about to get to the bottom of things.

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December 30, 2023 at 4:40 am

Subaru Owners Reveals The Secret Badge You Can Order From The Company. – ‘It’s free. Go check it out.’

Subaru Owners Reveals The Secret Badge You Can Order From The Company. - 'It’s free. Go check it out.'

Looks like fun!

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December 17, 2023 at 5:36 pm

‘Lost a $45,000 sale.’ – Rude Car Salesman Won’t Accept Buyer’s Check And Tells Them They Can Only Finance Through His Dealership

'Lost a $45,000 sale.' - Rude Car Salesman Won't Accept Buyer's Check And Tells Them They Can Only Finance Through His Dealership

That’s how NOT to do business.

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