Tag: employment

September 30, 2023 at 12:08 pm

Study Finds That Women Live Longer And Have More Successful Careers If They Have A Strong Group Of Friends

Study Finds That Women Live Longer And Have More Successful Careers If They Have A Strong Group Of Friends

Hang onto yours for dear life – literally!

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September 30, 2023 at 10:21 am

‘She was having an affair with her boss.’ A Person Got Their Useless, Cheating Boss Completely Automated Out Of A Job After Her Mid-Afternoon Trysts

'She was having an affair with her boss.' A Person Got Their Useless, Cheating Boss Completely Automated Out Of A Job After Her Mid-Afternoon Trysts

I legit smiled at how all this went down.

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September 30, 2023 at 9:10 am

‘Don’t pick up work calls outside of working hours.’ Should This Guy Have to Cover A Shift When A Coworker Called Out, Even After He Just Worked A Double?

Source: TikTok/@socialist_mac_miller

I really feel for this guy. Ugh.

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September 29, 2023 at 5:49 pm

‘A college degree is useless.’ Waitress Reveals She’d Take A Massive Pay Cut if She Got A Job Using Her College Degree

'A college degree is useless.' Waitress Reveals She'd Take A Massive Pay Cut if She Got A Job Using Her College Degree

I wonder how this will turn out in the end… 

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September 29, 2023 at 10:47 am

Server Tried To Give An Ice Cream Sundae To A 4-Year-Old For His Birthday, But The Manager Said No. He Did It Anyway.

Source: TikTok/@mineonthemap

Did this guy do the right thing?

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September 29, 2023 at 3:18 am

‘Hello, I have a new appointment. I’m 72 hours early.’ A Person Got Petty Revenge After Their Appointment Was Canceled When They Were Five Minutes Late

'Hello, I have a new appointment. I'm 72 hours early.' A Person Got Petty Revenge After Their Appointment Was Canceled When They Were Five Minutes Late

This is so rude for so many reasons.

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September 29, 2023 at 1:56 am

‘She hoped the legal fees would make me drop the case.’ They Chose To Get Fired From Their Job Instead Of Take A Massive Pay Cut, And Then Sued For Wrongful Termination

'She hoped the legal fees would make me drop the case.' They Chose To Get Fired From Their Job Instead Of Take A Massive Pay Cut, And Then Sued For Wrongful Termination

Good for this person! Stand up for yourself!

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September 28, 2023 at 6:45 am

This Man Got Security To Stop Checking Their Phone By Showing Them Something Absolutely Disgusting

This Man Got Security To Stop Checking Their Phone By Showing Them Something Absolutely Disgusting

This story is hilarious.

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September 28, 2023 at 4:11 am

‘It does kind of scare you.’ Guy Offers Advice About Asking For Perks If A Company Won’t Give You More Money

'It does kind of scare you.' Guy Offers Advice About Asking For Perks If A Company Won’t Give You More Money

Know you’re worth, fam!

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September 28, 2023 at 3:27 am

‘It was a final, beautiful moment of revenge.’ A Useless, Lazy Coworker Wants To Get Rehired After Quitting, But An Overworked Coworker Says No

'It was a final, beautiful moment of revenge.' A Useless, Lazy Coworker Wants To Get Rehired After Quitting, But An Overworked Coworker Says No

I feel bad for everyone in this scenario except the bad employee.

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