Tag: family

June 18, 2024 at 7:48 am

His Parents Keep Pressuring Him To Cook for His Younger Stepsiblings, But He Doesn’t Think It’s His Job

Source: Reddit/AITA

These folks are way out of line!

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June 18, 2024 at 4:27 am

Her Son Refused To Talk With Her Alone, So She Let Him Find Out About Her Diagnosis On Social Media

Source: Reddit/AITA/Pexels/Plann

Family is family!

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June 18, 2024 at 12:17 am

After Her Daughter Changed Her Mind About Already-Booked Concert Tickets, Mom Follows Through On Getting Her Nothing For Her Birthday

Source: Reddit/AITA

Sorry, kid…now you get NOTHING.

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June 17, 2024 at 7:29 pm

His Brother Wrongly Accused Him Of Not Taking Care Of His Niece While Babysitting, So He Refuses To Apologize And Won’t Watch Her Anymore

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@little_klein

Sounds like they’re really getting a raw deal!

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June 17, 2024 at 6:52 pm

His Wife Wants Their Kids To Be Competitive At Sports And Got Her Parents Involved in the Conversation, But He Thinks She Took Things Too Far

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@silverkblack

These two are DEFINITELY not on the same page…

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June 17, 2024 at 5:47 pm

Parent Told Their Daughter They Wouldn’t Come Get Them From A Trip With Friends, So She Had To Spend $250 On An Uber Ride Home

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@thewzrdharry

When it comes to kids, you gotta stick to your word.

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June 17, 2024 at 4:36 pm

His Son’s Fiancée Wants Him To Walk Her Down The Aisle At Her Wedding, But He Won’t Do It Because She Insists To Be Called His Daughter

Source: Reddit/Pixabay

Sounds pretty pushy to me… Jeez!

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June 17, 2024 at 2:51 pm

Sister Bonds With Her Brother Over Nail Painting, But Her Brother’s Girlfriend Thinks It’s “Creepy”

Source: Reddit/AITA/Canva

It’s her issue, not yours. Period. 

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June 17, 2024 at 12:48 pm

His Unemployed Sister Wants To Go To Disney With His Family, But He Said He’d Only Pay Her Way If She Babysits. Now She Feels He’s Taking Advantage Of Her Situation.

Source: Reddit/Unsplash/@adrianvalverdem

There’s no such thing as a free ride!

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June 17, 2024 at 7:31 am

Her Husband Wouldn’t Include Her In Important Decisions, So She Ended Up Claiming He Treats Her Like Hired Help In Front Of His Parents

Source: Reddit/AITA/pexels/Timur Weber

She knows she did the right thing!

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