Tag: pregnancy

June 25, 2024 at 3:43 am

Mean Boss Wouldn’t Let Her Work From Home While She Was Pregnant, So She Went To The HR, Got Her Leave Approved And Now The Boss Has To Work Extra

Source: Reddit/Malicious Compliance/pexels/Matilda Wormwood

Don’t mess with the mamas!

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June 24, 2024 at 2:12 am

Her Sister-In-Law Wants To Stay With Her Kids At Her House For Six Months, But When She Says No Things Get Really Tense

Source: Pexels/Amina Filkins

This isn’t a hotel.

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June 22, 2024 at 5:48 am

Her Future Sister-In-Law Demanded That She Cancel Her Dream Wedding Because She Needed Help With Her Baby, So She Refused And Insisted That’s Not Her Job

Source: Pexels/Min An

This family is nothing but drama.

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May 25, 2024 at 10:11 pm

Her Husband Spends A Lot Of Time With His Mom And Won’t Listen To Her Pleas, So Now She’s At War With Both Of Them

Source: Pexels/Reddit

And you thought your mother-in-law was a challenge…

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May 14, 2024 at 1:39 am

Her Sister Announced She’s Having Yet Another Baby, But She Told Her She Won’t Give Her Any More Money

Her Sister Announced She’s Having Yet Another Baby, But She Told Her She Won’t Give Her Any More Money

I think I would’ve said the same thing!

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May 12, 2024 at 8:33 pm

Her Sister And Mother Treated Her Husband And His Family So Horribly That She Had To Step In And Set Things Straight

Source: Reddit/AITA, pexels

Figure it out, dear sister.

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May 8, 2024 at 8:38 am

Sister-In-Law Is Jealous That Another Mother Got The Gender She Wanted, And Now Doesn’t Want To Come To A Baby Shower

Source: Reddit/AITA

I agree she should be over it by now.

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May 7, 2024 at 8:35 pm

Her Parents Told Her They’re Going To Have Another Kid, But When She Says She’s Not Excited There’s Serious Drama

Source: Reddit/Pixabay

Some serious family drama going on here…

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May 3, 2024 at 2:24 pm

New Study Reveals What Women Eat While Pregnant Could Affect Their Child’s Looks

Source: Shutterstock

You might as well have the ice cream.

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May 1, 2024 at 4:25 am

She Kept Her Pregnancy And The Name Of Her Baby Secret, But When Her Sister-In-Law Found Out She Freaked Out

Source: Reddit/Pexels

“She didn’t like that we kept the pregnancy to ourselves for a while and disliked it even more that we didn’t share the name.”

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