Tag: vacation

February 14, 2024 at 1:27 pm

Woman’s Brother Insisted That He And His Boyfriend Join Her On Her Honeymoon. She Said No And Now It’s Causing Major Drama.

Woman’s Brother Insisted That He And His Boyfriend Join Her On Her Honeymoon. She Said No And Now It's Causing Major Drama.

I can’t imagine asking someone this…

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February 8, 2024 at 5:48 pm

Coworker Wanted To Talk About Her Trip With A Native Jamaican When She Hadn’t Never Left The Resort

Coworker Wanted To Talk About Her Trip With A Native Jamaican When She Hadn't Never Left The Resort

This one is just funny to me.

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February 5, 2024 at 3:26 am

‘You’re getting left out by the company.’ – Travellers On A 9-Month Cruise Are Complaining They’re Missing Perks Because Of Elitism

Source: TikTok/@uksecrettravel

I could use a 9-month cruise!

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January 30, 2024 at 2:33 am

Their Nanny Wanted A Night Off While They Were All On Vacation, But They Refused It Completely

Their Nanny Wanted A Night Off While They Were All On Vacation, But They Refused It Completely

Sounds like people got pretty fired up about this one.

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January 25, 2024 at 5:42 pm

Dad Takes The Nanny On Family Vacations, But His Ex-Wife Thinks She Should Be Invited Instead

Dad Takes The Nanny On Family Vacations, But His Ex-Wife Thinks She Should Be Invited Instead

Jealousy rears its ugly head!

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January 21, 2024 at 10:47 am

His Family Planned A Vacation During The Holidays, But His Stepdaughter Wants Them To Miss Some Of It So She Can Attend A Party

His Family Planned A Vacation During The Holidays,  But His Stepdaughter Wants Them To Miss Some Of It So She Can Attend A Party

You know things have to be pretty bad if you don’t take certain family members on vacation, right? I sure think so! But let’s get all the details before we jump to conclusions, okay? Read on and see if you think this guy was out of line. AITA for taking the family on vacation without…

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January 17, 2024 at 4:39 pm

She Didn’t Invite A Friend On A Road Trip Because Her Ex Was Going. Now Her Friend Refuses To Go On A Seperate Girl’s Trip With Her.

She Didn’t Invite A Friend On A Road Trip Because Her Ex Was Going. Now Her Friend Refuses To Go On A Seperate Girl's Trip With Her.

I would’ve done the same thing!

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January 11, 2024 at 5:44 pm

She Offered To Pay For Her Cousin’s Plane Ticket So He Could Come Visit, But When He Invited A Friend Along She Cancelled The Ticket

She Offered To Pay For Her Cousin’s Plane Ticket So He Could Come Visit, But When He Invited A Friend Along She Cancelled The Ticket

There’s no way I’d put up with this!

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January 4, 2024 at 2:58 am

She Planned A Vacation That Her Husband Thought Was Too Expensive, So She Went By Herself

She Planned A Vacation That Her Husband Thought Was Too Expensive, So She Went By Herself

Sounds like a good trip to me!

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January 3, 2024 at 2:49 am

Summer Camp Boss Keeps Insulting Workers, So Employee Got Revenge And Made Sure They All Got A Paid “Vacation”

Summer Camp Boss Keeps Insulting Workers, So Employee Got Revenge And Made Sure They All Got A Paid "Vacation"

I hope they all enjoyed their vacations!

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