Tag: cars

November 4, 2023 at 3:41 pm

Car Dealer Told Them To Leave After A Hefty Fee Was Added To The Final Price. So They Agreed Completely.

Car Dealer Told Them To Leave After A Hefty Fee Was Added To The Final Price. So They Agreed Completely.

They definitely did the right thing.

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November 2, 2023 at 2:47 pm

‘Never say I’m just shopping around.’ Car Salesmen Warns About What You Should Never Say at a Dealership

'Never say I’m just shopping around.' Car Salesmen Warns About What You Should Never Say at a Dealership

You can never have enough advice from car salesmen!

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November 1, 2023 at 12:38 am

‘They can’t find my car or my keys.’ Sam’s Club Gave A Homeless Man The Keys To This Customer’s Car And It’s Gone

'They can't find my car or my keys.' Sam’s Club Gave A Homeless Man The Keys To This Customer's Car And It's Gone

How did this happen?!

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October 28, 2023 at 4:51 am

‘Six guys can easily move around a small hatchback.’ This Person Got Revenge On A Neighbor Who Kept Blocking Their Car In

'Six guys can easily move around a small hatchback.' This Person Got Revenge On A Neighbor Who Kept Blocking Their Car In

Neighbors like this are really the pits.

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October 25, 2023 at 12:36 pm

‘That’s some insane collateral.’ Customers Left Their Baby With A Car Salesman So They Could Test Drive A Car

'That's some insane collateral.' Customers Left Their Baby With A Car Salesman So They Could Test Drive A Car

I wonder what other kinds of collateral people put up when they do this…

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October 24, 2023 at 3:41 am

‘Who made the Yugo?’ Mechanics Opened Up About the Kinds of Cars They’d Never Buy

'Who made the Yugo?' Mechanics Opened Up About the Kinds of Cars They’d Never Buy

Thanks for the advice, people!

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October 23, 2023 at 12:29 pm

‘In the next six months to a year, car prices are going to drop.’ A Man Who Owns A Car Dealership Explains Why The Market Is So Crazy Right Now

'In the next six months to a year, car prices are going to drop.' A Man Who Owns A Car Dealership Explains Why The Market Is So Crazy Right Now

We all love deals, right?

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October 23, 2023 at 8:13 am

‘If available, they will give you a car for free.’ Business Advisor Shares How People With Low Incomes Can Get Free Car Repairs From The Hub Garage

'If available, they will give you a car for free.' Business Advisor Shares How People With Low Incomes Can Get Free Car Repairs From The Hub Garage

We’re glad she offered this info to people!

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October 22, 2023 at 2:44 am

‘Imagine if it was hauling passengers.’ Cops Pulled Over A Driverless Car And They Didn’t Know What To Do With It

'Imagine if it was hauling passengers.' Cops Pulled Over A Driverless Car And They Didn't Know What To Do With It

The future is here, folks…

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October 21, 2023 at 9:21 am

‘You could see the anger on his face. His van was ruined.’ Neighbor Gets Revenge On Man Blatantly Stealing His Gas By Laying A Trap With Diesel Fuel

'You could see the anger on his face. His van was ruined.' Neighbor Gets Revenge On Man Blatantly Stealing His Gas By Laying A Trap With Diesel Fuel

I do love a good, succinct story.

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