Tag: revenge

April 6, 2024 at 7:41 am

French Postal Worker Was Rude To Her Because She Was American, So Her French-Speaking Husband Put Them In Their Place

French Postal Worker Was Rude To Her Because She Was American, So Her French-Speaking Husband Put Them In Their Place

Being rude doesn’t pay!

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April 6, 2024 at 5:33 am

Her Husband Moved To The U.S. Without Her And Now Wants a Divorce. She Won’t Do It And His Attorney Fees Are Adding Up.

Her Husband Moved To The U.S. Without Her And Now Wants a Divorce. She Won’t Do It And His Attorney Fees Are Adding Up.

Well, I bet he won’t do that again!

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April 6, 2024 at 4:32 am

Kids Kept Dumping Trash in Their Neighborhood, So They Returned The Favor By Throwing It All Back Over a Fence

Kids Kept Dumping Trash in Their Neighborhood, So They Returned The Favor By Throwing It All Back Over a Fence

Nice work!

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April 6, 2024 at 3:28 am

A Man Told Her That Her Weightlifting Wasn’t Appropriate According to the Bible. She Responded By Letting Everyone Know About His Creepy Past.

A Man Told Her That Her Weightlifting Wasn’t Appropriate According to the Bible. She Responded By Letting Everyone Know About His Creepy Past.

This guy needed a serious wake-up call…

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April 6, 2024 at 1:38 am

Principal Accuses His Daughter Of Destroying Another Girl’s Necklace, But The Truth Comes Out And Reveals Her To Be Master Of Petty Revenge

Principal Accuses His Daughter Of Destroying Another Girl's Necklace, But The Truth Comes Out And Reveals Her To Be Master Of Petty Revenge

That kid knows what she’s doing!

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April 6, 2024 at 12:52 am

Their Reservations Were Canceled At The Last Minute, So They Took To The Internet And Roasted The Restaurant For Bad Customer Service

Their Reservations Were Canceled At The Last Minute, So They Took To The Internet And Roasted The Restaurant For Bad Customer Service

Play silly games… win silly prizes!

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April 5, 2024 at 7:27 pm

Second Grade Teacher Wouldn’t Let A Student Use The Bathroom, So He Let Taught Him A Lesson He’ll Never Forget

Second Grade Teacher Wouldn’t Let A Student Use The Bathroom, So He Let Taught Him A Lesson He'll Never Forget

Power move!

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April 5, 2024 at 6:27 pm

Woman Complained To The HOA About A “Suspicious” Man In The Neighborhood. That Person Turned Out To Be The Head Of The HOA.

Woman Complained To The HOA About A "Suspicious" Man In The Neighborhood. That Person Turned Out To Be The Head Of The HOA.

Showed her!

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April 5, 2024 at 5:36 pm

Woman Parked Illegally In A Handicapped Spot, So Disabled Driver Called The Cops And Made Her Pay

Woman Parked Illegally In A Handicapped Spot, So Disabled Driver Called The Cops And Made Her Pay

She had it coming!

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April 5, 2024 at 2:37 pm

They Complained When They Suspected an Amazon Driver Stole Their Package So They Reported Him to the Company

They Complained When They Suspected an Amazon Driver Stole Their Package So They Reported Him to the Company

I have a feeling that delivery driver might be in hot water…

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