Tag: white text

December 7, 2023 at 3:47 pm

‘If we’re losing our PTO, we’re using our PTO.’ – Coworkers Join Together To Teach Manager Why She Should Let Them Work From Home

'If we're losing our PTO, we're using our PTO.' - Coworkers Join Together To Teach Manager Why She Should Let Them Work From Home

It’s time for a massive shift to happen.

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December 7, 2023 at 2:48 am

His Ex Thought She Won Big Money In Court, But He Got The Last Laugh And Paid Much Less. – ‘She was getting up to 72% of my pay.’

His Ex Thought She Won Big Money In Court, But He Got The Last Laugh And Paid Much Less. - 'She was getting up to 72% of my pay.'

Be careful what you wish for…

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December 7, 2023 at 12:58 am

‘I am finished with working for free.’ – Company Installs Strict Time Tracking Software And Employees Teach Them A Valuable Lesson

'I am finished with working for free.' - Company Installs Strict Time Tracking Software And Employees Teach Them A Valuable Lesson

This place sounds like a mess!

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December 6, 2023 at 2:52 pm

Night Shift Employee Teaches Day Shift Manager A Tough Lesson In Patience. – ‘Then one morning she made a mistake.’

Night Shift Employee Teaches Day Shift Manager A Tough Lesson In Patience. - 'Then one morning she made a mistake.'

I personally like how succinct this story is.

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December 6, 2023 at 1:56 pm

Medical Professional Lets Underhanded Nurse Walk Straight Into A Trap. – ‘She also felt my outfit was too provocative.’

Medical Professional Lets Underhanded Nurse Walk Straight Into A Trap. - 'She also felt my outfit was too provocative.'

This woman was content to give her coworker the rope…

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December 6, 2023 at 8:47 am

Family Wouldn’t Stop Messing With Her Food So She Screamed At Them To Get Out Of The Kitchen. ‘My husband was putting canned chicken in the Mac n Cheese.’

Family Wouldn’t Stop Messing With Her Food So She Screamed At Them To Get Out Of The Kitchen. 'My husband was putting canned chicken in the Mac n Cheese.'

If you can’t take the heat…

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December 6, 2023 at 6:44 am

Neighborhood Kid Keeps Walking On His Lawn So He Gets Revenge By Spraying Him With The Hose. – ‘Wife told me I need to stop.’

Neighborhood Kid Keeps Walking On His Lawn So He Gets Revenge By Spraying Him With The Hose. - 'Wife told me I need to stop.'

Maybe this kid needs some more love at home.

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December 6, 2023 at 12:55 am

Company Tries To Penalize Man For Not Getting Vacation Approved By Absent Manager

Company Tries To Penalize Man For Not Getting Vacation Approved By Absent Manager

This guy made lemonade out of lemons.

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December 5, 2023 at 7:31 am

HR Created A Ridiculous Overtime Policy, So They Ended Up Taking Fridays Completely Off And Won Overtime Back

HR Created A Ridiculous Overtime Policy, So They Ended Up Taking Fridays Completely Off And Won Overtime Back

Don’t set the policy if you don’t want workers to abide by it.

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December 4, 2023 at 6:53 pm

Angry Customer Demands An Employee Get Fired, So Boss Sends A Hilarious Termination Email That Made The Customer Beg To Hire Back The Employee

Angry Customer Demands An Employee Get Fired, So Boss Sends A Hilarious Termination Email That Made The Customer Beg To Hire Back The Employee

That was hilarious!

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