Tag: reddit

April 18, 2024 at 7:28 am

Her Rude Teenage Son Mercilessly Insulted Her, So She Refuses To Accept His Apology

Her Rude Teenage Son Mercilessly Insulted Her, So She Refuses To Accept His Apology

This kid needs a serious attitude adjustment!

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April 18, 2024 at 5:42 am

Pregnant Girlfriend Is Moving In So She Redecorated His Apartment And Threw Away His Belongings, So He Told Her She’s Way Out of Line

Pregnant Girlfriend Is Moving In So She Redecorated His Apartment And Threw Away His Belongings, So He Told Her She’s Way Out of Line

I think these two are headed for Splitsville.

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April 18, 2024 at 4:22 am

His Wife Took Away The New TV He Bought, So He Won’t Let Her Drive the Car Anymore

His Wife Took Away The New TV He Bought, So He Won’t Let Her Drive the Car Anymore

These two need some help…

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April 18, 2024 at 3:27 am

Woman’s In-Laws Won’t Stop Speaking Italian To Her Son, So She Puts Her Foot Down And Offends The Family

Woman’s In-Laws Won’t Stop Speaking Italian To Her Son, So She Puts Her Foot Down And Offends The Family

Just make the kid comfortable already!

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April 18, 2024 at 2:44 am

People Admit the Weird Flexes That They’re Proud Of

People Admit the Weird Flexes That They’re Proud Of

I once ate a one pound burger

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April 18, 2024 at 12:56 am

Groomsmen Skipped His Brother’s Wedding Because His Newborn Baby Was Sick, And Now His Family Is Furious He Didn’t Show Up

Groomsmen Skipped His Brother’s Wedding Because His Newborn Baby Was Sick, And Now His Family Is Furious He Didn't Show Up

What a shame.

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April 17, 2024 at 11:37 pm

People Talk About Things Happening Right Now That Most Folks Don’t Realize Might Have Enormous Consequences

People Talk About Things Happening Right Now That Most Folks Don’t Realize Might Have Enormous Consequences

These all sound very concerning…

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April 17, 2024 at 9:33 pm

Her Daughter Did Something Incredibly Rude To Her Brother, So She Took Away All the Money She’s Saved Up

Her Daughter Did Something Incredibly Rude To Her Brother, So She Took Away All the Money She’s Saved Up

Seems a bit harsh…

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April 17, 2024 at 8:38 pm

Her Boyfriend’s Family Yelled at Her After a Kid Got Hurt on Her Watch So She Stormed out of the Party

Her Boyfriend’s Family Yelled at Her After a Kid Got Hurt on Her Watch So She Stormed out of the Party

Yeah… these two aren’t gonna last.

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April 17, 2024 at 7:44 pm

Dad Bought Their Daughter Gifts That Her Other Daughter From Another Relationship Wanted, So She Responded By Taking Them Away

Dad Bought Their Daughter Gifts That Her Other Daughter From Another Relationship Wanted, So She Responded By Taking Them Away

No doubt about it… this is a tough situation…

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