Tag: video

August 1, 2023 at 9:37 pm

‘Amazon how tf am I supposed to return this.’ A Woman Ordered a Memory Foam Mattress From Amazon and It Didn’t Go Well

'Amazon how tf am I supposed to return this.' A Woman Ordered a Memory Foam Mattress From Amazon and It Didn’t Go Well

Don’t worry fam… Amazon will figure out a way to get you your money back.

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August 1, 2023 at 7:24 pm

It Only Took Max Park Three Seconds To Solve A Rubik’s Cube And He’s Now The World Record Holder

It Only Took Max Park Three Seconds To Solve A Rubik's Cube And He's Now The World Record Holder

This happens so fast that if you blink you’ll miss it.

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August 1, 2023 at 3:17 pm

‘Imma act right with you.’ Would You Pretend You Didn’t Remember Someone From High School If They Were Your Cashier?

'Imma act right with you.' Would You Pretend You Didn't Remember Someone From High School If They Were Your Cashier?

If you live near where you grew up, there’s a good chance you run into people you went to high school with on a semi-regular basis. If you’re like me, you can hardly remember that far back never mind put a face to a name – but would you go so far as to pretend…

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August 1, 2023 at 1:06 pm

‘That’s y’all problem boo.’ A Grocery Store Worker Ignored a Call From Her Boss to Come In on Her Day Off

'That's y'all problem boo.' A Grocery Store Worker Ignored a Call From Her Boss to Come In on Her Day Off

Yeah, sorry… not picking up.

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August 1, 2023 at 12:21 pm

‘You can play as many times as you want.’ Customer Say This Hack For Free Chick-Fil-A Really Works

'You can play as many times as you want.' Customer Say This Hack For Free Chick-Fil-A Really Works

They must know free food is the way to our collective heart.

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August 1, 2023 at 10:44 am

‘I had to wipe down tables in the rain.’ A Firehouse Subs Employee Said His Boss Sends Him on “Side Quests” When the Store Is Slow

'I had to wipe down tables in the rain.' A Firehouse Subs Employee Said His Boss Sends Him on “Side Quests” When the Store Is Slow

Working retail is literally the worst.

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August 1, 2023 at 7:33 am

‘It’s completely legal AND saves you money.’ Barista’s Hack For Scamming Cheap Oat Milk At Starbucks (If You Work There)

'It's completely legal AND saves you money.' Barista's Hack For Scamming Cheap Oat Milk At Starbucks (If You Work There)

This is smart and thrifty!

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August 1, 2023 at 6:38 am

‘Excuse me, I’m ready to order!’ Buffalo Wild Wings Servers Talked About Their Biggest Pet Peeve

'Excuse me, I’m ready to order!' Buffalo Wild Wings Servers Talked About Their Biggest Pet Peeve

I know one thing… I never want to be a server ever.

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July 31, 2023 at 10:39 pm

One Pet Owner Shows A Way To Cool Down Your Dog In The Heat, But Others Strongly Disagree

One Pet Owner Shows A Way To Cool Down Your Dog In The Heat, But Others Strongly Disagree

If you’re worried, please consult a professional.

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July 31, 2023 at 6:37 pm

A Walmart Worker Blasted Employees Who Stay With the Company for Decades After Finding “35 Years” Service Badges

A Walmart Worker Blasted Employees Who Stay With the Company for Decades After Finding "35 Years" Service Badges

If somebody sticks with a company for 35 years, they better be making bank!

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